I know you are all dying to hear how my little container garden is going, so here are some pictures I just took. Today is two weeks from planting my babies and they are doing great! I have three bell peppers coming up good. A new one popped out overnight! And the tomato has pretty little blossoms coming on. I tried to get a picture of the flowers but it didn't turn out. The bad news is that I found a caterpillar in with the tomato! I knew something was munching on them, but couldn't see anything. Today I caught it red-handed! So I carefully took it out and smashed it with a leaf. Tonight I'll spray my new homemade garlic spray on all the plants and see if that works to kill everything eating away and keep new ones from munching. Unfortunately, the apartment smells a bit rank with the 3 bulbs of garlic I chopped and put in water last night. It was in a closed container, but when I opened it to strain - WHEW! We had to open the doors and windows, light matches and spray room deodorizer. Good thing tonight is pizza night - the garlic will fit right in!
We're still a little worried about our lettuce, it doesn't look like it's spreading out, just growing tall. But I'm trying to be patient and let nature take it's course. If you have any better suggestions, please leave a comment.
Ken and I are having a quiet weekend, just enjoying each other's company and reading, watching silly alien movies, and playing Wii. The new Wii Resort that Aaron and Julie got us for Christmas is just the most fun! We have become very competitive at the Frisbee Golf and Sword Showdown. Sometimes we worry that we've become a couple of teenagers playing video games, but then our backs or elbows act up and remind us of our real age. Nothing worse than bursitis caused by flinging a pretend frisbee!
I went to the library on Wednesday and picked up a great bunch of books. Cookbooks, knitting, embroidery lessons, David Sedaris, and a Cottage Tales book by Susan Wittig Albert. If you enjoy Jane Austen, small English villages, and talking animals this series is for you. It's just so relaxing and innocent. I've read the first in the series, but couldn't find the others in order. Finally I couldn't wait any longer, and decided to just skip to whichever was in the library. I think this one is the 4th or 5th, but still just so enjoyable.
Well, I need to get my pizza dough started for tonight. We've been doing homemade pizza because it's so much better than delivery and not hard at all. I'll make enough dough for two pizzas and then just pop half in the freezer for an easy dinner later on. Ken does the shaping, assembly, and baking in our pizza oven. I make the dough and the sauce. What a team!
I've also included a picture from our picnic last weekend with Kerry and Brandon. We went to the Botanical Gardens and got a great table in the shade and by the river. What a perfect afternoon!
Love to all,