We went out to Coochiemudlo Island yesterday early to fix the diesel on the boat and spend a couple of days out on the bay. The winds were supposed to be very mild. When we got there, they were at least 30 knots. I'm not sure exactly what that means, but it wasn't mild. Ken rowed out to the boat. Well, he attempted to row to the boat to get the part number and head back to Victoria Point to buy it. He set me up in a protected area off the beach to stay out of the wind. His dinghy started taking on a lot of water before he got out to the boat, so he had to come back. He set up the dinghy in a Robertson Crusoe way to create a shelter for us on the beach. It worked until a huge-ass spider came crawling out of a crevice and made it's way to eat me. So I decided it'd be great to go for a walk!
We left most of the stuff tied up under the boat and took off down the beach with my backpack and a bottle of water. It's truly a beautiful place and simply gorgeous day. We had our lunch in a secluded little mangrove area out of the wind. I forgot the sunblock so my freckles came out in force, but it was worth it!
There are these red rocks that are just incredible. I could put up a hut and stay I think. At least until high tide when it covers up everything. The wind died down enough that Ken did get to the boat and got the information he needed. We decided to come home so he could call his mechanic buddy and try to figure out next step. We're going back Monday morning and do it all over again. Hopefully it'll get fixed and we can really actually go somewhere! Mom would love Coochimudlo Island. It's definitely her kind of place.
Wednesday we went to Ken's old school and he gave a talk for Anzac Day. It's sort of like their Veteran's Day. As we were leaving, a little boy said, "excuse me sir, thank you so much for the show." It was so cute! They all wear uniforms and just look adorable. I really think the US should go to uniforms. Tomorrow is the actual Anzac Day and we will go into the city for the march. Ken will march with his shipmates and I'll find a spot to watch the whole thing. It's supposed to be quite a show. The entire country stops for this day. Shops close and everything. It's really a beautiful thing.
Well, I need to get to work. I'm doing laundry today and cleaning the kitchen. Then I'll go off to the shops for some knitting supplies. I'll talk to you this weekend.
What a beautiful day we're having! It's warm, sunny and breezy with little humidity. I wish you could see the sky - it's incredible. Today has been wonderful here at home. I've gotten all my work finished in a leisurely fashion. My favorite way to move as you know! The clean laundry is on the line and two batches of bread cooling on the racks. And it's still not even two in the afternoon!
We had sandwiches on the rolls for lunch with some leftover potato salad (we'll be eating that for weeks!) and veggies, it was really nice. Yummo! We're both full over an hour later! I'm not sure what I'll do for dinner. I'm trying to decide between a spinach pie and salmon patties. The spinach pie recipe is from my new guru, Rhonda from Down to Earth. I look forward to reading her blog every day and am always inspired and moved by it.
The bread recipe is from her blog also. I tried Nina's bread from Mother Earth News and liked it, but there's just something about kneading bread and watching it rise that is so satisfying. We're going to the boat later this week for an overnight, so I'll freeze some of the bread to make it easier to pack.
Tomorrow is Bella and Poppy Day and they're going to let me tag along. We'll go down to the South Bank Beach in the city for a couple of hours and have a swim and a picnic. It should be a great time. She's such a sweet girl. Very much an almost-4-year-old, bossy and girly! It's amazing how that is a global condition.
Last Saturday's lunch with Ken's friends, Brandon and Kerry went very well. Ken cleared up the patio and set the table up out there while I fried chicken, made potato salad and slaw, and cornbread. Brandon and Kerry arrived at 12:3o and we sat outside talking, eating, and drinking wine until after 6!
Unfortunately, I couldn't find cornmeal like you use, just the yellow kind. But the cornbread recipe I used was really good. They all seemed to really like it - first time they'd ever had it! It was light and sweet and went well with the chicken. I came the closest to your fried chicken as I've ever gotten. So excited even if no one else understood why! And the potato salad didn't look like yours, because I couldn't find white enough potatoes. But it tasted like yours and just made my day! Who knew a person could miss potato salad that much?!
We finished lunch up with an apple crisp and vanilla ice cream. It's one of my favorite desserts as you know. I kind of figured if I was cooking a Southern Indiana meal, I was entitled to have my favorites. I could have talked to Brandon all night. He has an encyclopedic knowledge of music and we started talking about bands we like/dislike. Even though he doesn't "get" My Morning Jacket, we have enough other bands and singers in common that I'll forgive him. I have a feeling they are going to become two of my favorite people here in Australia, just like they are Ken's. Anyway, it was a wonderful day and we've already made plans to go to a festival in Brisbane later in May.
Earlier in the week, I made a meatloaf that I actually liked! And you know how rare that is. Australians apparently have this thing they call mince, which is a little confusing because that is also what they call ground beef. But this Mince is ground beef with onion, celery, bell peppers and canned tomatoes that you cook on top of the stove. Anyway, the meatloaf recipe I found was based on this mince but you add breadcrumbs and eggs and make it in the oven in a loaf tin. It was pretty good for supper. But it was even better the next day on sandwiches at the boat! I've never had a cold meatloaf sandwich, because I always refused them. But it was really good! Definitely something I'll make again.
Our trip to the boat last week was a bust. We got it off the mooring and floated about 50 yards before Ken realized the diesel was pooped. So he got in the dinghy and towed the boat back to the mooring line. It was a little hysterical! But I was very good and didn't laugh. Out loud... So while he spent the rest of the afternoon cussing and banging around, I slipped out of my pants and bra and went swimming. It was gorgeous! The water was warm and just fantastic. I could have floated around all day. So we're going back this week to fix the problem and even if we don't get to leave the mooring again, I know I can swim and have a beautiful day. Because God knows I'm not dumb enough to try to help a man fix mechanical things!
I'm so sorry it's been awhile since I've posted anything of substance. The days have been getting away from me. Can you believe it's been a month since I've been here? Sometimes it seems like just yesterday I was getting on the plane, all nervous and excited. Of course, then there are days like Thursday that just make me feel like this is the way it's always been and this is the way it should always be.
"Oh what a wonderful time we had the day we went to Shorncliffe." Ken sang this over and over on Thursday, the day we did go to Shorncliffe. (Pronounced Shawwwncliffe) It's a quaint little town on the bay, full of old houses being remodeled and an amazing collection of purple rocks on the water. We took a short train ride there. I love going by train everwhere - you get to see so much more! The fish and chips we had for lunch were nice, it was raining so we ate them on the porch of the shop instead of down by the water. But because the universe is a wonderful place, it stopped raining just as we finished eating. The tide was out and it was perfect for looking for shells. But I didn't just get shells, I brought home rocks. The prettiest lavender, white and pink quartz and rocks that have shells attached to them, and beautiful little perfect shells that Ken found in a group all alike! My purse got pretty heavy! Ken brought home a piece of driftwood that made a perfect walking stick for him. He's going to dry it out and shellac it or something to preserve it.
It was so peaceful while we walked along, searching for just the right shells. At one point I looked up and no one else was in sight. Nothing else was in sight. We felt like the only two people in the world and it was just a perfect moment. I think we all need to look out for those moments and treasure them. These are what make life worth all the pain, uncertainty, and angst.
It actually got a little cool on the bay, with the wind and light rain showers - I was glad I wore jeans! I'm looking forward to fall and winter here. You know my favorite weather is in the 60s and 70s - cool and clean. It's been nice being able to keep the air conditioning off and the windows open. Especially nice at night! I've even gotten used to the train roaring past the bedroom window every 1/2 hour.
Ken made stir-fry for our "anniversary" that night. He had all the veggies sliced, the beef ready and went outside to use the wok on the gas stove so it would get really hot. No gas. It was so funny! He griped and grumbled for a half hour while I just laughed and laughed! But he got it going on the stove inside and it was just delicious. Completely worth the wait.
Monday I walked to the shops and found some knitting supplies. I've decided I'm going to start with easy dishcloths. I bought the cheapest yarn I could find, mainly because I wasn't sure if I would follow thru with this. But I started one morning and for two hours tried to cast on 38 stitches. Two freaking hours! I was watching videos online and reading directions and everything, could not get my fingers to work the way they were supposed to. Then I watched one more video before I threw all the crap away. And boom! It hit me - when Nana taught me to knit, we cast on with both our needles just like this woman was doing. After that, it took me 10 minutes to cast on. No problem. Ken showed me what to do after that and it all came back to me. Well, the knitting part at least. So I'm working on a little yellow dishcloth and hopefully will be finished by next week. How long can it possibly take to knit a small square?!
I made my first-ever classic lasagna this week. It was pretty good, Ken really liked it. I think next time I'll go heavier on the seasoning. After dinner, we sat and talked for a long time at the table. He kept getting a little piece of lasagna out of the pan. "I'm just evening it up, it's not symmetrical." I guess all men are like that, Dad and the boys say that kind of stuff all the time. But I'm glad he liked it. We still have some leftover and we'll eat it this afternoon before we head to the football game.
COME ON LIONS!! Yes, I am going to see a live AFL game! Brisbane Lions (LOINS) vs. Sydney Swans. Ken went into town this week and bought us tickets in the 8th row center field. The game is tonight at 7 and I can't wait! I know it's not going to be the same as seeing it on TV because the field is so huge, I won't be able to see as much. But oh my God, it's going to be fun! I'm taking my camera, so everyone can see just how beautiful this game is. Here's a fantastic commercial that's just taking Australia by storm:
Although this one might give a better explanation of my love:
Our afternoon on the bay was the most exciting thing we've done lately. Most of my days are spent quietly at home. Which as you know is my idea of paradise! I've been trying to establish a routine - most would say a BORING routine, but for me it's great. Ken lets me sleep in because I stay up and read half the night (a terrible habit I'm thinking of breaking). But then I open up my laptop while he brings me coffee or tea in bed. When I'm finished catching up on stuff in Indiana, I make the bed and put in a load of laundry. Then I wash up the breakfast dishes and make sure the food for dinner isn't in the freezer. Clean up the kitchen and either work on another room of the house, or get my knitting and work on it for awhile. Hang the laundry on the line and get lunch or more likely afternoon snack ready for Ken and myself. It's so laid back and just absolutely pressure free. Even though I'm doing something so completely different from my past, I still want to maintain me. So I'm reading and knitting and finding recipes and working out and trying to kick Ken's butt at Wii Bowling! Making a home for both of us. And of course, we talk throughout the day. And have the radio on and are singing and dancing, being goofy together. I really love this life I'm starting.
Yes, some would say we are definitely a boring old couple, but I enjoy that. At night after the dishes are washed, we sit and watch "nerd shows" on the Discovery Science channel and things like that. One night we sat mesmerized by a show about people who believe that aliens are coming down to earth just to have sex with them. It was sad and funny and we just could not look away! We also watch a lot of shows about archeology digs and stuff like that. We're such dorks.
Yesterday, we had a really nice lunch with Aaron, Julie and Bella. They took us out to the local Sizzler (just like the ones we used to have) and had a really great time. Bella was in a 4 year old mood, but still so cute and funny. She and Aaron had a great time playing with their Jello dessert. He asked her where chicken came from and she said "chickens". He asked her where fish came from and she said "fishies". He asked her where the Jelly (jello) came from and she said, "jelly fish"? It was so cute! Julie looked over at me and mentioned her two children. Just like every other mother in the world - they reminded me of Stephen and Caleb or Maddie.
Well, it's getting late and I need to get up and do something productive. I'm sorry again that I haven't been as regular with the posts as I should be. I'll start doing better. I miss you, tell Scott Manship I said hi!
I really want to write tonight, but I'm afraid I'm intoxicated by King Size Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Ken brought them in to me today as a treat! I love the smell of peanut butter and chocolate. He also bought us tickets to Saturday night's Footy game: Brisbane vs Sydney! I CAN'T WAIT!!!
It was such a great day today. Now I'm going to watch Good News Week - a completely irreverent comedy show. Have a great day!!
Today seems to be dragging on. It's been a very peaceful day for me. But I just got the sad news that Ken's friend has passed away. Ken left this morning to go visit. They were supposed to visit the funeral home and lawyer for final arrangements. I don't yet know if Ken was with Twitch when he passed or not. He just called a few minutes ago to say he'd be home as soon as he could. My heart goes out to his sisters and his friends.
When something sad like this happens, I always want to turn to you, big brother. Wonder why that is? I guess you will always be my rock, my pillar of faith and strength. Being this far away from you all has really opened my eyes to how much I depend on you. I may not be able to believe in the church like you, but I believe in you. You're the points on my compass, along with Shawn, Trent, Nina, Mom and Dad. I'm incredibly lucky to have that.
Well, I just put my first batch of bread in the oven! Nina has convinced me the Mother Earth News bread is just what I need. Hopefully, it'll turn out! It certainly has been the easiest bread I've ever attempted to make.
For lunch yesterday, Ken took me to a Chinese place for Yum Chow or something like that. You get pots of green tea, then they bring around little plates of food and you try whatever looks interesting. Kind of like buffet that they bring to you. Let me just go on the record and say it's nothing like the Chinese food we're used to. I didn't recognize one single thing. The best part of it was the dessert: mango pancakes! It was like a very thin pancake rolled around whipped cream and mango chunks. What's not to love?
For dinner, I made the easiest thing in the world, but it really was quite yummy. (If I do say so myself!) Browned chicken thighs with olive oil and garlic, then poured some red wine over it and let them simmer in that for a long time. I had some frozen leftover marinara that I'd made last week, so I threw that in the pan too and simmered some more. At some point in my life in Bloomington, Amy and I went to a restaurant downtown. Anyway, I remember having polenta with tomato sauce and Parmesan at this restaurant. So for the first time in my life, I made polenta the Italian way. And it was Ken's first time eating it! Just put the polenta on the plate, placed the chicken and sauce over it, some fresh Parm and parsley and basil. Dinner was served! Too easy.
With the leftover polenta, I'm going to attempt fried mush like Mom used to make for us. That'll be breakfast tomorrow with some eggs. Hopefully, it'll work out.
Tonight, I think it's just going to be cheeseburgers and fries. Homemade, but nothing fancy. I better get off of here - Ken will probably be home soon and I know he'll need to talk. Poor guy. Please pray for them, Stevie.